Hey all!
I am sorry for my lack of posts lately! How are you all doing?
So, every spring and fall our church goes on a camping trip....and this fall we went to the Indiana dunes state park, one of my favorite places on earth.

So, every spring and fall our church goes on a camping trip....and this fall we went to the Indiana dunes state park, one of my favorite places on earth.
Isn't it gorgeous? (Lake Michigan) |
Playing with her on the beach is the best! |
She is a nut :) Some of my very best friends on the planet :) Sand + Sun + Water = a very happy girl :) |
Mr. Grouchy Seagull

My dear Elly friend
Hiking....one of my very favorite thing to do
The chicago skyline
Love these girls!!
Playing volleyball during the sunsets was so much fun!
My scavenger hunt team...we came in 2nd place!
Jessica and Leah...They are the best ever :).
My bestie for life! I am so very blessed to have her in my life <3!
Burying the boys in sand was pretty fun ;).
My dear Elly friend
Hiking....one of my very favorite thing to do
Our hiking group
The sunsets were absolutely stunning
Love these girls!!
Playing volleyball during the sunsets was so much fun!
My scavenger hunt team...we came in 2nd place!
God has definitely blessed me with some of the bestest friends in the world!! I love you guys <3.
My bestie for life! I am so very blessed to have her in my life <3!
Laurel and I. She is such a sweet and kind friend!
Ok well that is it for our camping trip! I hope you enjoyed seeing a little glimpse of our trip! God blessed us with gorgeous weather and a wonderful time, I am very grateful!
May the Lord bless your day!
Love always,